What if I haven’t been referred?
You don’t need to have a referral from a GP or Specialist, you can self refer, the easiest way is to call us and book an appointment
Could I pay with insurance?
You can pay either privately or through your insurance company. We deal with most recognised insurance companies as listed on our website. In most cases you will not have to pay for the treatment if your insurance company is recognised by Proactive Physio Services, this will be clarified prior to you commencing treatment. There may be a limit on the number of sessions you can have and sometimes there is an excess. With a few insurance policies the client pays for the treatment, this can be later claimed back by yourselves through a monthly invoice which we will provide for you..
How do I book an appointment?
You need to call us on 07969783659 to arrange an appointment. Sometimes we receive referrals directly from GP’s or Consultant’s in this case we will contact you to arrange a convienent appointment. If you have not heard anything in 5 working days you should contact us.
Is there a waiting list?
Currently there is no waiting list and usually appointments are available within 5 working days.
Is there anything I can do to facilitate the process?
When booking an appointment you may be given some advise about what you can do while you wait to see us. We also have a self assessment questionnaire which you can download click here. By filling this in you are able to help your Physiotherapist to diagnose and manage your condition even more effectively.
What if the symptoms get worse and I need further investigations or review with a specialist?
Proactive Physiotherapy Services have excellent links with local GP’s and Consultants. We can refer you for further investigations or a specialist Orthopaedic or Rheumatology opinion if Physiotherapy is not appropriate for your condition.
How can I refer to your service as a GP or Consultant or another Health Proffesional?
You can make an e-referal which is both effecient and effective through our secure system, to make an electronic referral you can go to the "make a referal" page, here you can fill in details of the patient you want to refer and hit send, as we will recieve the information instantaneously the patient can be offered the earliest available appoinment and start recieving care immediately.